Free and Funny Christmas Plays For Church Youth: Why You Should Be Doing Them in 2021

These free and funny Christmas plays for church youth help keep them engaged and are also a clever way to incorporate gospel lessons more engagingly.

Moreover, the plays are important to remind us how children face many problems and how we must be patient in dealing with them. And the importance of finding creative ways for helping the Christian youth.

And the plays help campers understand that compassion is the key to understanding everyone. Even the most annoying.

A fun Christmas church plays with a message that contains many dramatic scenes is excellent for families and young people.

There are sketches of each season of the liturgical year, but most are for the most important day which is Christmas. And each play contains elements of scriptures and prayers. Everything you need for a great presentation.

All funny Christmas skits should skill get approval from the church and community so it still has popular but Christian elements. And it does not veer off the intended path.

The themes should include family service, community life, forgiveness, peace, prayer, global missions, gospel messages, acceptance of others, the grace of God, obedience to Jesus, and more.

Examples of Funny Christmas Plays For Church Youth

Some typical ideas about church Christmas dramas have a “Christmas” theme, but they are not biblical stories.

However, even children and adults can learn more about the true meaning of Christmas when the game is set in modern times and closely linked to people’s daily lives.

  • Christmas plays for children

These printable games are great for kids, but adults will love them too. They emphasize the importance of the true spirit of Christmas through children learning to give to children in need. Another possibility for less formal church reunions is based on how the classic fairy tale Grinch stole the Christmas script.

  • Christmas drama and skits

These skits are suitable for festive church settings such as youth group reunions and church volunteer performances in nursing homes.

The works are based on folk stories and are very interesting for both children and adults. There are also short Christmas sketches that can be combined into longer dramas that present different aspects of modern Christmas. These shows and skits aren’t particularly religious, but they teach the importance of giving and caring for others during the holidays.

Read Christmas poems

Another way to celebrate Christmas in the church can be to read a simple poem in which children and adults alternate on the podium. There are many beautiful poems on the theme of the Christian religion, which makes them a wonderful and exciting festive event.

Two special funny Christmas plays for church youth that you can try today

Believe in Christmas.

This is one of the interesting Christmas plays for teenagers. Because for young people, playing for their family is beneficial and interesting.

Moreover, if you have a group of teenagers who are experienced in acting and love oil painting, then go for this 15-20 minute sketch. And with its evangelical nature, this show is very suitable for watching and enjoying.


Storytellers 1 and 2 tell a traditional Christmas story, while costumed artists perform on stage. Narrator number 2 admits first of all that he is not sure he believes everything.

The first narrator agrees to talk to him to see if he believes it. “But” he is warned, “Believe it or not… it’s still real.” Of course, the good thing is … “Nobody can take it away because it’s real!”

The narrator reads the script in turn, occasionally interacting with the actors on stage. Especially, Mary, she has spoken many times with narrator number 2 and asks him if he still believes.

The second narrator is increasingly involved in the story, wondering what will happen to Mary and her baby Jesus as the story continues. Eventually, he is convinced that the story was true and he realized that this was indeed a “Christmas of belief”.

A Rising star

A rising star is actually is a twist of the traditional Christmas story from a two-star perspective. Students aged 7-12 can enjoy this game.

The old star acts as a narrator, telling the young star about her first Christmas. As the Christmas story unfolds, other children also participate.

Eventually, people clearly knew that the old star was the Christmas star that first shone on the night of Jesus’ birth, and it was her light that led the magi to find the baby, Jesus.

With Rising Stars, we understand that Jesus Christ is the real reason why we celebrate Christmas.

The songs are suggested during the game and can be added at will. The show includes an original song called “There’s a New Star in the Sky”.

This song incorporates some traditional songs “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” and provides a nice new version of this beloved old song.

Bethlehem at night

That night a few years ago, on the other side of the world, in a small town called Bethlehem?” With these words, the actress who played Mary introduces this Christmas sketch. And she invites the public to come back with her … at night in Bethlehem.

The actors first introduce themselves as the person playing the role, then use a modern conversation to explain what they saw and heard on the first Christmas, which surprises the audience.

This 15-20 minute Christmas short film is written for teenagers and is fast-paced and charming. Mary is nice, Joseph is brave and the innkeeper claims to be the “hero” of the story. Shepherds are the strangest group of shepherds you have ever seen, and the sages have previously admitted that they are some of the best in any school.

Family and friends like to see costumed teens telling Christmas stories from a “direct” perspective. Singing along with familiar Christmas carols will be fun! After all, everyone would agree that they had a great time while experiencing the “Night of Bethlehem”.


Playing a Christmas drama in a church is a great job, but it must also create a unique holiday experience for the entire congregation.

In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, Christmas dramas help remind people of the reasons for this season and inspire them to spread the good news.

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